Spiritual Code Comments



“For me, reading this was like looking into a deep and beautiful river (as suggested by the cover), full of light, life and music and being a bit overwhelmed, such that I can’t take it all in and plan to keep coming back. You have to be in a philosophical mood to read a book like this, which I am regularly. I was taken by the use of scriptures from the world’s religions, so that the 12 spiritual laws really have the air of being the truth behind the truth, the essential principles behind all principles.

Fascinating new spins on old ideas like karma and spiritual tests, and illustrated by the author’s experiences. I gave the book 4 stars because I would have wanted more application and examples to unpack these rich insights. An excellent book though and I look forward to his next work in the same vein.”

John R.. Williams


“Some books jump out at you because of their appealing covers, catchy titles, or other devices. The Spiritual Code is not one of those books, though it does have a fairly appealing cover if you are literally thirsty. The subtitle, however, “the twelve laws that govern our universe,” puts this book in a category, for me at least, of “thoughtful, or thought-provoking”. And Dr. Frederick Swarts not only delivers in that regard, he educates. As an authority of sorts in both scientific and religious fields, his perspective on these twelve cardinal success laws is most penetrating. From the chapter on the law of intention I was struck by this nugget: “Negative thoughts and doubts not only fail to be harmonious with the universe, but mobilize countervailing forces opposing the goal’s fulfillment. This law relates to the centrality of energy in the cosmos.”

This is Dale Carnegie meets Stephen Hawking and more. Definitely a workbook; no tripe or feel-good-candy-for-the-soul here.

My one criticism of this book, though, is that there are not more personal anecdotes (there are some good ones, however) and/or vivid illustrations of how these laws apply or exist in the more everyday realities of life.

Overall, however, much food for thought; a helpful guidebook for self-realization and analysis that I heartily recommend.”



“Upon reading through the 12 Spiritual Laws presented in The Spiritual Code, the sudden recognition of each was brought back to my remembrance.

I attribute this to the plain writing style of the author, counter-balanced with scriptural references from the religious text of the world’s great religions, as well as the testimonies of how The Spiritual Code was revealed in the author’s life.

The cardinal resolutions after each chapter provides codified guidance for ones life to help reinforce the Spiritual Code. I can’t wait for the pocket version of The Cardinal Resolutions for Realizing and Practicing the Spiritual Code.

I will carry and read it everyday, as others surely will.”

Minister Ari Merretazon